Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
At Grove Road Primary School, our ethos is “Growing and Achieving Together” and all children can expect an inclusive and well adapted education. Some children may need additional support during their time with us, while a few children will require more precise, individualised support.
Jade Hanley (currently on maternity leave) and Charlotte Wall are the school’s designated Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENDCo). They are responsible for the leadership and day to day management of SEND provision. Debbie Lamb is the school’s Head of Inclusion. She tracks and evaluates the quality and impact of the provision in place to meet the needs of all vulnerable learners. Gemma Sainsbury is the school’s Inclusion and Pastoral Support Coordinator and she supports vulnerable learners and their parents as well as liaising with outside agencies and supporting staff to ensure the right interventions and support are in place.
Special Educational Needs Policy
Alongside the County Local Offer, schools are required to have a School Offer. This is presented in our SEN Information Report which can be accessed using the link below. The aim of this is to give clear information on how the SEN Code of Practice is implemented specifically at Grove Road.
School Offer - SEN Information Report 2024/2025
As part of the SEN reforms, Hertfordshire County Council has to provide access to information of what is on offer across the county.
The purpose of the local offer is to provide clear, comprehensive and accessible information about the support and opportunities that are available for all children and young people with SEND aged 0-25 and their families (not just those who have an Education, Health and Care Plan.)
Please follow the link for further information on the Hertfordshire Local Offer:
Delivering Special Provision Locally is a Hertfordshire-wide initiative, working to improve the range of provision and support services available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, aged 0-25.
- It aims to secure a range of provision, support services and resources in each area that:
- meets the needs of children and young people with SEND aged 0-25 as close to home as possible
- improves outcomes for wellbeing and attainment
- widens choice for children and parents/carers
- removes barriers to learning
- uses resources effectively
Visit the Dacorum DSPL website
There is now a DSPL Dacorum Facebook page, which will keep you up to date with courses/workshops, events and support for professionals and parent/carers.
Visit the Dacorum DSPL Facebook