Learning to Learn
The schools in Tring have come together to agree a shared “Language for Learning” to support the children to become better learners. Our aim is to equip the children with a language to talk about their learning and the associated characteristics of effective learners. In this way the children will strengthen their confidence and resilience in the face of new challenges. We have agreed 4 Learning Habits: Independence, Curiosity, Determination and Communication.
Through assemblies, circle times, and the wider curriculum we are helping the children to identify and develop the characteristics associated with each of the Learning Habits. This gives our children a specific vocabulary to identify and self-evaluate skills and characteristics that will support them here at Grove Road, on into Secondary education and right through into the world of employment.
Our world is constantly changing. Young people need to be able to cope with complexity and uncertainty. Knowledge and technology are changing all the time. In fact, 75% of the jobs our children will do have yet to be invented!
We want the children to know and believe that knowledge is not a fixed state. Instead, they need to know that they can learn to learn. We want the children to confidently overcome obstacles to their own learning and face the future equipped with the skills and talents to adapt and tackle every new challenge.