
Eco Team

The Eco-Team at Grove Road 

The Eco council is a special kind of council, designed to enable the school to help the environment. At Grove Road, pupils were all invited to apply to be part of the Eco Team. The team is made up of one elected pupil from each class who meets with the Eco co-ordinator, Miss Pollard, regularly to discuss and plan how to improve both the Grove Road school environment and that of the wider world. The Eco-team members feedback the key highlights of their meetings to keep everyone informed of their plans.

We are at present working towards our Green Flag Award from the Eco schools organisation.  Eco Schools is an international award programme that guides schools on their sustainable journey, providing a framework to help embed these principles into the heart of school life.

Our Grove Road Eco Team Representatives are: 

George, Annabelle, Ruby, Rosalie, Toby, Mia, Isla, Heidi, Isla, Evie, Jacob, Georgia, Isaac, Elizabeth. 

At Grove Road, we are passionate about the environment and looking after the world we live in.  We are looking forward to making a difference and helping to improve the environment we live and learn in.

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Reasons pupils wanted to join the team: 

''I like looking after the environment.'' 

''To help Grove Road win the Eco Award by doing interesting projects at school.''

''To create more places for animals to survive and thrive.''

''So school can be a better place.''

''To change the planet we live and learn in.''

''So I can help animals and plants in need.''

''To keep the planet clean.''

''I care about the environment.''

''To make the world a better place.''

''To help the environment be cleaner and healthier.''




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Eco team minutes Tuesday 8th November .docx 1 09th Nov 2022 Download
Eco team minutes Tuesday 13th December.docx 16th Dec 2022 Download
Eco-team Minutes Tuesday 28th February 2023 28th Feb 2023 Download
Eco team minutes April.docx 26th Apr 2023 Download
Eco Team Minutes Tuesday 13th June 14th Jun 2023 Download
Eco-committee Meeting Minutes Jan 24 24th Jan 2024 Download
Eco Team Minutes May 2024 21st May 2024 Download
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