Year 2 Coronation Day Workshop

Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
On Monday 15th July, in connection with our history topic we have arranged for your children to participate in a “Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II” conducted by ‘History off the Page’, a company who provide a fully immersive learning experience.
Our activities encourage children to experience, observe, compare, classify and question. They will have opportunities to handle artefacts from the time period, learn about the Royal Family, discuss what life was like at the time, and explore how people throughout the Commonwealth participated in the events. On the day, your child will experience life as it would have been in 1953 when Elizabeth II was coronated.
A simple costume will help the children feel part of the day. The simplest costume would be a large plain t-shirt with a belt or cord tie, long for girls, shorter for boys. Further details are attached with this letter.
There is a cost for this company running the Coronation Day at our school we are very grateful to Friends of Grove (FOG), who have part-funded this event, therefore the cost per child will be £6.50 which includes the workshop fees, hand-made crafts and food tasting, accounting for any allergies and intolerances.
Parental consent and payment is requested using the School Gateway: Please complete this by Thursday 20th June.
Payment for activities taking place during the school day are considered a voluntary contribution, however, we must emphasise that if all parents do not contribute this amount, the trip may not be able to go ahead. In cases of financial difficulty, please contact Mrs Wheeler to discuss payments.
We also need a number of adult helpers so if you are able to assist on the day, please come and speak directly to us at the Year 2 door.